Sunday, March 6, 2011

The public university in kenya.

The many sponsors and parents paying for university fees don't know about this, the government is also unaware or they are acting blind to the social and academic degeneration in our public universities, this post might not be taken politely by the culprits who are the target of the article, but I will go ahead and highlight this in the hope that someone might see this and do something about it.
Walk into any institutions of higher learning save maybe for the polytecniques in kenya today and if you are observant you won't by any chance the many posters advertising new movie releases, it doesn't end there just walk into any hall of residence and you will find more than five students glued to one computer screen, not for academic reasons though. They would be watching some Jason Statham movie.
This is a trend that has permeated our universities today and if it is not adressed as early as possible then there is bound to be a major problem in the human resource, workforce and leadership in the foreseeable future in kenya.
It may not look so serious after all, the social life is as important as the academic life to produce competent and all rounded individuals in the job market, but what happens wenthe result of the social life overshadows the academic one? The inevitable result is the production of an incompetent individual.
Ever wondered why some people who have graduated from the kenyan universities end up in the streets? Or why some are so mediocre that you wonder what they were doing at the university. Blame not the lecturers!
Its evident that the early generations of graduates have been seen to be productive and competent. The earlier generations of university students participated in public foras and organised symposiums with their counterparts in other universities but the current ones are organising inter-university "mchongoano" competition on facebook and spending so many hours on things that don't contribute to the wellbeing of their academic life.
This however does not mean its everyone at the university today who has been trapped in the web of social mediocracy, there are others who have embraced technlogy and are using it to develop themselves, their universities and the nation at large.
The university administrations are aware of the social decay in the university and they should provide more research and extra-curricula activities that would cut the so many hours many students spend idling and using in watching movies.

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